Friday, June 12, 2009

Television Will Rot Your Brain

At least that is what my mom used to say when I would sit in front of my TV as a kid and watch all of those old after school programs. To tell you the truth though, she was partially right. Like most of you know today is the day that all or most analog television broadcasts will stop transmitting their signals to TV's all across the United States. The switch to digital media has begun.

I don't really care if the television at my house doesn't work any more, I don't watch enough of it to justify buying a converter box. My wife and kids however, will undoubtedly want to watch television at some point so I will probably end up getting a box anyway. I don't even have cable at my house and it's not that I'm cheap or can't afford it, it's just that I don't think television has any good quality programs like it used to. Don't get me wrong, there are still a few good things on TV but anymore its just filled with garbage much like the radio/music industry.

I will continue to do other things to fill my time, like writing or doing any of my other hobbies. TV is great but only in moderation. Spending countless hours in front of the television with almost no mental stimulation is not a good thing, when you could be spending that same time doing something more beneficial to you (or even just more fun).
I guess mom was right after all.

That also begs the question; can a show say that they are "On Air" anymore? Considering that the broadcast is not over the airwaves anymore.