Saturday, May 9, 2009

GIF's Need Love Too

This is something I began doing just over a year ago in my spare time. I always thought it was cool when someone had a GIF animation in their signature or as their avatar so I decided to make my own. It was a little difficult at first but it soon became very easy to do these types of animations.

My first one took me a while to do because I was also learning to use photoshop at the time so I didn't know many shortcuts. I also decided to set the bar really high and make the GIF into almost a mini movie. It tops out at a little over a minute long, which was a pain putting every animation together for such a drawn out animation.

mega man,metroid,gif animation

The second GIF that I created was an homage to Final Fantasy VI for the Super Nintendo. I always loved the little sprites that were used during the 8 and 16 bit eras of gaming. I never did finish the animation because I had so many other things going on, maybe I'll get around to it one of these days.
I actually edited the sprite for "Terra" to make a very convincing Zero Suit Samus by altering the colors and details of her outfit.


These are a few other smaller ones I've done.

Dr. DoomSpider-ManPhotobucket